AKA - Make Funny Faces!
Key to Facial Exercise Chart pictured above: Click link above.
(Make sure to use a good moisturizer to avoid overly stretching the skin.) --->>
For each exercise, repeat slowly for a count of 10; Repeat again at a faster pace if desired, or follow along on DVD.
1. Position Fingers as Shown. Squeeze eyelids together slowly with eyes still closed. Pay special attention to outer corners, with thumbs used as 'weights'.
2. Lightly place fingers on forehead, Using them as light weights, lift eyebrows up and down.
3. Using index fingers as a 'weight', squeeze under-eye area up and down using slight resistance with your fingers...
To See Instructions for all 10 Facial Exercises: Click HERE or HERE.
One such device is the Facial-Flex Ultra Facial Exercise System that uses different sized bands for a progressive workout.
Available at Amazon.com (see below). Extra Bands also available.
*(Free Facial Exercises - see above, and HERE.)