Face Care - Moisturizing
Water - the most important element in hydration . . .
...And the oils in a good moisturizer that can help keep the proper water balance in the skin!
HYDRATION: Good hydration of the face and body can be achieved by adequate water intake, and a good skin moisturizer.
WATER: A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces per day, and more in hot weather or when exercising.
For a beautiful, soft complexion, make sure to drink lots of good, pure water!
MOISTURIZER: A good moisturizer should be able to penetrate the top layers of the skin and to also be as natural as possible.
Since any moisturizer will be absorbed in the skin to at least some degree, it's important to make sure there are no harmful ingredients.
A good natural moisturizer will be absorbed and leave no 'greasy' feel; just soft, well-hydrated skin.
However, any moisturizing lotion that is too heavy or greasy will just sit on the top of the skin and not be absorbed as well.
Finding the perfect balance of hydration for your skin-type, and a moisturizer that is safe and natural, is of key importance.
See the next page for a list of high-quality moisturizing products made from natural, healthy ingredients.
(NEXT PAGE - Moisturizing 2)
...And the oils in a good moisturizer that can help keep the proper water balance in the skin!
HYDRATION: Good hydration of the face and body can be achieved by adequate water intake, and a good skin moisturizer.
WATER: A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces per day, and more in hot weather or when exercising.
For a beautiful, soft complexion, make sure to drink lots of good, pure water!
MOISTURIZER: A good moisturizer should be able to penetrate the top layers of the skin and to also be as natural as possible.
Since any moisturizer will be absorbed in the skin to at least some degree, it's important to make sure there are no harmful ingredients.
A good natural moisturizer will be absorbed and leave no 'greasy' feel; just soft, well-hydrated skin.
However, any moisturizing lotion that is too heavy or greasy will just sit on the top of the skin and not be absorbed as well.
Finding the perfect balance of hydration for your skin-type, and a moisturizer that is safe and natural, is of key importance.
See the next page for a list of high-quality moisturizing products made from natural, healthy ingredients.
(NEXT PAGE - Moisturizing 2)