Fundamentals of Natural Self-Care -
"The more we can learn to take care of ourselves, the better off we will be..."
In this section you will find the following categories:
Body Care - Ear, Nose & Throat, Constipation, Cleansing, Enemas
Back Care - Lower Back, Neck, Back Exercises, Posture
Tooth Care - Teeth, Braces, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Tongue Cleaners, Dentistry
Skin Care - General info., Cosmetic Surgery Pros & Cons, Face
Eye Care - General, Glaucoma, Trichotillomania
Nail Care - General, Implements, Nail Polish, Creams
The 'fundamentals' of health are very simple; the difficulty comes in implementing the details.
There are many products and techniques that can help in this process, though. I hope that some of these will prove useful to you, too.
The following list, quoted from a popular natural health expert, puts it into simple perspective:
- Stop doing bad things.
- Start doing the right thing.
- Clean out and simplify your life.
While these things are easier said than done, it's a really great way to think of how to approach just about any problem in life.
'Cleaning out' can apply to anything from cleaning house, to cleaning up your health by eating better, and using non-toxic home and body products.
Cleaning clutter from your home WILL simplify your life dramatically - Less to clean, take care of, and keep track of. You will enjoy the extra space, too.
As far as switching to non-toxic products, this will actually save lots of money, especially as so many can be made from very simple ingredients.
For example: Diluted vinegar for windows and counters, and Borax or baking soda for scrubbing. This will save space, too, as fewer products are needed.
Using non-toxic cleaning products will also give you greater peace of mind as there is little if any chance of accidental poisoning from them.
In addition to non-toxic home-care, many quality non-toxic body-care products can also be made at home, or purchased at natural grocers.
Both will go a long way in lessening the load of toxic chemicals on your body, and helping you to become more healthy.
DISCLAIMER: Statements made on this site are for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.