Flat Earth - Intro
A few months back, a friend introduced me to the concept of the Flat Earth and I've been hooked ever since.
In researching this topic, there seems to be quite a lot of evidence to support this concept. The greatest hurdle is to realize that there is absolutely no proof for a 'ball' earth.
The photos from 'space' are all false 'composites' and the NASA program along with all its 'space missions' is a complete hoax that has been perpetuated on a grand scale.
I recently watched the old 1902 silent film, 'A Trip to the Moon' in which there appeared to be quite a bit of hidden symbolism.
At the very end of the movie there is a scene with a statue of the Astronomer/Wizard with his foot on the Moon and a laurel wreath on the podium which reads 'SCIENCE'.
So, even from early on it was determined that if man could be seen to go to the moon, then science would reign supreme in the public mind.
This would be true whether man had actually made it there or not - just the belief that we had would be enough to put SCIENCE on a 'pedestal'.
This is really fascinating when you realize that this is just exactly what happened 67 years later with the first 'moon landing' in 1969.
Broadcast on live TV to a world-wide audience, the event fulfilled a 'national goal' of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.
(NEXT PAGE - Flat Earth Logos)
A few months back, a friend introduced me to the concept of the Flat Earth and I've been hooked ever since.
In researching this topic, there seems to be quite a lot of evidence to support this concept. The greatest hurdle is to realize that there is absolutely no proof for a 'ball' earth.
The photos from 'space' are all false 'composites' and the NASA program along with all its 'space missions' is a complete hoax that has been perpetuated on a grand scale.
I recently watched the old 1902 silent film, 'A Trip to the Moon' in which there appeared to be quite a bit of hidden symbolism.
At the very end of the movie there is a scene with a statue of the Astronomer/Wizard with his foot on the Moon and a laurel wreath on the podium which reads 'SCIENCE'.
So, even from early on it was determined that if man could be seen to go to the moon, then science would reign supreme in the public mind.
This would be true whether man had actually made it there or not - just the belief that we had would be enough to put SCIENCE on a 'pedestal'.
This is really fascinating when you realize that this is just exactly what happened 67 years later with the first 'moon landing' in 1969.
Broadcast on live TV to a world-wide audience, the event fulfilled a 'national goal' of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.
(NEXT PAGE - Flat Earth Logos)