Freemasonry, also known as just Masonry, is a traditionally male Secret Society.
The origins of freemasonry, according to the Masons themselves, has its beginnings in the Pagan idolatry that dates from the time of Nimrod who was 'before' (in defiance of) God. Nimrod is infamous in the Bible for his role in the construction of the Tower of Babel which was an act of rebellion against God Almighty.
The Pagan Sun Worship religion that sprang from this time was centered on the Mother and Child (Semiramis - the wife of Nimrod, and Tammuz - their child) and the Father and husband, Nimrod.
This false 'Trinity' is known in other cultures under various names such as Isis/Osiris/Horus, El/Asherah/Baal, Mercury/Venus/Cupid, Brahma/Vishnu/Shiva, etc. and all feature Sun (or Fire) Worship as their basic theme. The Sun in this case is a symbol for the life-giving Generative principle.
These false religions are based on ancient Fertility Rites, as they still are today. This Sun symbolism is featured prominently in Masonry, with the G said to represent the phallic Generative Principle of fertility.
In a nutshell, Freemasonry is nothing but thinly veiled paganism, which any true Christian should be able to see through right away. Many of their rituals are based on the exact same ones used in paganism and witchcraft.
All manner of evil from pagan cultures throughout time and throughout the world are represented in Masonry. Some of these include Egyptian idols as well as Greek, Roman, Norse, Zoroaster, Mesopotamian, and all those of Solomon's many pagan wives.
The taking of oaths and vows used throughout Masonry is also strictly forbidden and condemned in the Bible. This however is often not taught in the ‘churches’ as many denominations have been infiltrated with Masons, even at the highest levels.
And not just Religion, but also Government, Politics, Law Enforcement (Police, Lawyers, Judges, etc.), Medicine, Military, and the Corporate world are essentially Masonic with most of them being Masons of some type themselves.
These include not only Masonry itself, but also Shriners, FOP (Fraternal Order of the Police). Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Illuminati, Knights of Columbus, Eastern Star, Rainbow Girls, Job’s Daughters, DeMolay...
RHS, Rotary, Lion’s Club, Elks (the Horned God), Moose, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Woodmen, Odd Fellows, OTO, Kiwanis KKK, the Mafia, Druids, Prince Hall, B'nai Brith and many more. (Links above are to other articles on this site.)
Masonic organizations and their 'feeder' societies are the keepers of the ancient (pagan) secrets, as well as being the controllers of all facets of modern society - all acting as One.
(We can clearly see this in the very coordinated and worldwide draconian response to the supposed COVID crisis over this past year.).