If you have MCS, or EHS, house hunting can be a real challenge.
Having an understanding spouse can really help, though.
With all this house-hunting, I'm really starting to realize how limiting MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) & EHS (Electro-Hypersensitivity) can be:
I need to avoid a house that's old, but also not too new; one that won't require tenting or other termite/pesticide treatment;
One without a Smart Meter (being rolled out in Hawaii as of last month - extreme EMF's from these); one that isn't too dusty, crusty, or musty;
One where a smoker didn't live; one without paint smell or too much 'off-gassing' from new carpets, cabinets, etc.; one without a cell-tower too nearby;
One without neighbors too close (almost impossible in Hawaii); one not too near a golf course (herbicide); one with good air circulation &/or AC;
One not too near a busy road (car exhaust); one without multiple Wi-Fi (pref. no condos or other cluster type dwellings); one without a lot of new construction going on nearby;
One where there isn't any strong chlorine smell from a community pool and/or hot tub; and much more that I can't really even think of at the moment.
I know God will lead us to just the right thing, and a home that is tolerable. But, I still feel sorry that there have to be so many health requirements on my part that make finding a new house even more difficult.
I always appreciate all of your patience and understanding with this, too. Thank you! : )