Cosmetic Surgery:
Just - don't!!
Cosmetic 'Plastic' Surgery is a Major Surgical Procedure. There's really no such thing as a 'minor' surgical procedure.
All of the same risks still exist with any operation - from adverse anesthesia reaction to infection. And, not to mention, no guarantee of the outcome.
In the case of Cosmetic Surgery - barring a disfiguring accident or functional deformity - it is usually an elective procedure.
In other words, it is usually NOT necessary. Additionally, many insurance companies will not cover such procedures - AND you have also now become a 'future insurance risk'.
This information is not usually displayed in the 'happy' T.V. commercials or glossy brochures you see for Cosmetic Procedures.
Our culture has geared us for wanting to stay young & beautiful forever. This isn't possible, BUT you can stay healthier and younger looking for a lifetime.
(Please see HERE for the first part of this article on Plastic Surgery.)
Just - don't!!
Cosmetic 'Plastic' Surgery is a Major Surgical Procedure. There's really no such thing as a 'minor' surgical procedure.
All of the same risks still exist with any operation - from adverse anesthesia reaction to infection. And, not to mention, no guarantee of the outcome.
In the case of Cosmetic Surgery - barring a disfiguring accident or functional deformity - it is usually an elective procedure.
In other words, it is usually NOT necessary. Additionally, many insurance companies will not cover such procedures - AND you have also now become a 'future insurance risk'.
This information is not usually displayed in the 'happy' T.V. commercials or glossy brochures you see for Cosmetic Procedures.
Our culture has geared us for wanting to stay young & beautiful forever. This isn't possible, BUT you can stay healthier and younger looking for a lifetime.
(Please see HERE for the first part of this article on Plastic Surgery.)
Smiling can help 'push up' the cheek muscles and make them look fuller.
Smiling - and Laughing - on a regular basis can also help to tone the 'apples' of your cheeks.
See HERE for lots more easy-to-do everyday activities that can help keep your cheeks - and whole face - toned & fit.
FREE - Facial Exercise Chart & Instructions: HERE.
('Model' - Age 52)
Smiling - and Laughing - on a regular basis can also help to tone the 'apples' of your cheeks.
See HERE for lots more easy-to-do everyday activities that can help keep your cheeks - and whole face - toned & fit.
FREE - Facial Exercise Chart & Instructions: HERE.
('Model' - Age 52)
There are a lot of things working against us looking our very best in this 'modern world'.
Yes, there are now modern medical procedures, drugs, and concoctions that promise youth and good looks...
But, in general, modern technology is more of a detriment to our health - and the above-mentioned measures are only marginally successful, at best.
Most don't deliver, and many are downright harmful. In addition, there are toxic chemicals, drugs, pollutants, electro-magnetic fields (EMF), involved with many of these procedures.
Our best bet is to avoid as many of the toxic lifestyle choices as possible, and to become as healthy as possible to avoid premature aging, deterioration, and disease.
This has everything to do with your looks. When it comes to health, you can judge a book by its cover. The skin is our largest organ, and it reflects our overall health.
Our outward appearance can reflect such things as a lack of activity (leading to poor circulation and nourishment of the skin), as well as depleted foods and overall toxicity.
Well, I promised on the previous page to share my own personal experience with Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgeons.
It would take many more pages to express my opinion of current Medical Care in general, so I will stick to just Cosmetic Surgery for now.
More important than even the dubious cosmetic procedures being done these days on the face and elsewhere, are the surgeons who are performing them.
In my quest for 'self-improvement' I have met quite a few cosmetic surgeons. Many of them were very honest, others were not as forthcoming.
The first was a medical intern at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She flatly stated that the procedure that I would like to have done would involve breaking the nose.
This was odd, because I just wanted a 'tip-rhinoplasty' at the time. Perhaps this was only meant to dissuade me, for which I am now very grateful.
The next was a Ear, Nose & Throat doctor who also didn't want to do the procedure, and said he thought my nose was 'cute'.
How could that be - I absolutely hated it! This just goes to show that beauty really is in the 'eye of the beholder'. I didn't see it, though.
It also goes to show that one or two negative comments from unkind persons can stay in our minds for a very long time.
There are a lot of things working against us looking our very best in this 'modern world'.
Yes, there are now modern medical procedures, drugs, and concoctions that promise youth and good looks...
But, in general, modern technology is more of a detriment to our health - and the above-mentioned measures are only marginally successful, at best.
Most don't deliver, and many are downright harmful. In addition, there are toxic chemicals, drugs, pollutants, electro-magnetic fields (EMF), involved with many of these procedures.
Our best bet is to avoid as many of the toxic lifestyle choices as possible, and to become as healthy as possible to avoid premature aging, deterioration, and disease.
This has everything to do with your looks. When it comes to health, you can judge a book by its cover. The skin is our largest organ, and it reflects our overall health.
Our outward appearance can reflect such things as a lack of activity (leading to poor circulation and nourishment of the skin), as well as depleted foods and overall toxicity.
Well, I promised on the previous page to share my own personal experience with Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgeons.
It would take many more pages to express my opinion of current Medical Care in general, so I will stick to just Cosmetic Surgery for now.
More important than even the dubious cosmetic procedures being done these days on the face and elsewhere, are the surgeons who are performing them.
In my quest for 'self-improvement' I have met quite a few cosmetic surgeons. Many of them were very honest, others were not as forthcoming.
The first was a medical intern at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She flatly stated that the procedure that I would like to have done would involve breaking the nose.
This was odd, because I just wanted a 'tip-rhinoplasty' at the time. Perhaps this was only meant to dissuade me, for which I am now very grateful.
The next was a Ear, Nose & Throat doctor who also didn't want to do the procedure, and said he thought my nose was 'cute'.
How could that be - I absolutely hated it! This just goes to show that beauty really is in the 'eye of the beholder'. I didn't see it, though.
It also goes to show that one or two negative comments from unkind persons can stay in our minds for a very long time.
James 3:6 "And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell."
And, didn't our mommas tell us that, 'If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it.
Well, maybe not everyone has such a wise Momma.
Don't sell yourself short, and please don't listen to the naysayers. They have their own problems, not the least of which is terribly bad manners.
But, at that time in my life, I felt like I still had to 'fix it'. I then saw a plastic surgeon in another state who advertised that he could do the procedure I was looking for.
However, when I visited his office, he stated that he had never actually done this particular procedure yet himself. A tip rhinoplasty is not an unusual procedure, though.
I also noted that the nurses were looking at me to figure out what on my nose even needed doing. This gave me some confidence that perhaps it wasn't so bad after all.
But, I still held on to my hope of someday perfecting my profile (at least in my own eyes). In the meantime, time was taking its toll a bit on the cheeks and jowls as well.
I went to see yet another cosmetic surgeon regarding now not only a tip-rhinoplasty, but also a mini-facelift.
He was 'kind' enough to describe these procedures to me (which I won't do here, but look it up). It was enough to dissuade me from doing both.
Briefly, I'll say that it involves detaching, cutting, and lifting skin - with the hope that it will re-attach properly with proper nerve function and blood circulation.
Is it really worth your looks to risk a numb face or - in the case of circulation - possible infection or even gangrene?
NO! It's not!! Just don't do it. I didn't, and I couldn't be more glad. You may be fortunate enough to find a surgeon who will do a great job aesthetically, but then what?
Even if all goes well in that way, you may then end up with numbness and look like a victim of stroke or palsy.
Infection will make it look even worse, especially if necrotic skin ends up needing to be cut away in order to limit growth of the infection.
This doctor also didn't want to do the nose job anyway (he said it was cute, too - go figure?). I still wanted to do something about the jowls, so went home to think about it.
I now realize that sagging jowls and cheeks have a lot to do with your diet. I was craving fat and sweets at the time (Chocolate Ensure and Rocky Road Haagen-Dazs, specifically).
Once I got off of these, I realized that excess fats tend to accumulate in the face and neck (and elsewhere...). The saggy neck and jowls went away when I changed my diet.
Facial Exercises also helped. The face is like the rest of the body, and responds favorably to proper use and exercise.
Just as the form of the body changes with exercise, so does the face. This can happen rather quickly as facial muscles are attached directly to skin.
It takes a little time and patience, but Plastic Surgeons will also tell you to do Facial Exercise in order to keep up your appearance even AFTER surgery.
They realize that the surgical results are not guaranteed to last. Skin is elastic, and will still change with time no matter what surgery has been done.
You have to do them either way, so try the Face Exercises first. There are DVD's, Charts, Facial Workouts, and Exercise Appliances that are super helpful and easy-to-do.
Overall Fitness is important, too. You rarely ever see a Body-Builder or Fitness Trainer with a saggy neck. Their whole body is fit - including the face.
Exercise moves lymph, blood, burns excess calories, builds muscle, and improves outlook.
Once I realized that I probably wasn't going to go with the surgical route, I (finally) took the responsibility on myself to see what else could be done.
I had always felt like life couldn't really start until I looked how I always felt I should look. That was simply ridiculous. It's an insult to the Creator.
I had read a book by Tonya Zavasta in the past, and now I re-read it with new eyes. It is entitled, Your Right to Be Beautiful: The Miracle of Raw Foods.
The first time I had read it, I didn't get it. Now I understood - that if I ate better and took better care of myself that it would have a profound impact on appearance as well as health.
I don't currently advocate a totally Raw Diet. But, we do need to eat much more of our foods in their fresh, uncooked state for enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
Tonya Zavasta is also the author of Rawsome Flex, a diet and exercise program for the Face. There are diagrams and instructions for all of the easy to perform face exercises.
So, where am I at now? Well, still working on it. It's a journey, but a fun one. I won't be considering surgery again. Too risky, & too expensive (in so many ways).
I am exercising every day, and using the VitaMix for delicious 'Raw' Smoothies and Soups. I also purchased a Clarisonic Skin Brush, which does wonders for facial skin.
If you don't feel well, you may need to get back to the basics:
Eating Right, Exercise, Fresh Air, Pure Water, Non-Toxic Face Care & Body Care Products
* Click HERE for vital information on Skin Care.
**Click HERE for additional information on Face Care.
But, at that time in my life, I felt like I still had to 'fix it'. I then saw a plastic surgeon in another state who advertised that he could do the procedure I was looking for.
However, when I visited his office, he stated that he had never actually done this particular procedure yet himself. A tip rhinoplasty is not an unusual procedure, though.
I also noted that the nurses were looking at me to figure out what on my nose even needed doing. This gave me some confidence that perhaps it wasn't so bad after all.
But, I still held on to my hope of someday perfecting my profile (at least in my own eyes). In the meantime, time was taking its toll a bit on the cheeks and jowls as well.
I went to see yet another cosmetic surgeon regarding now not only a tip-rhinoplasty, but also a mini-facelift.
He was 'kind' enough to describe these procedures to me (which I won't do here, but look it up). It was enough to dissuade me from doing both.
Briefly, I'll say that it involves detaching, cutting, and lifting skin - with the hope that it will re-attach properly with proper nerve function and blood circulation.
Is it really worth your looks to risk a numb face or - in the case of circulation - possible infection or even gangrene?
NO! It's not!! Just don't do it. I didn't, and I couldn't be more glad. You may be fortunate enough to find a surgeon who will do a great job aesthetically, but then what?
Even if all goes well in that way, you may then end up with numbness and look like a victim of stroke or palsy.
Infection will make it look even worse, especially if necrotic skin ends up needing to be cut away in order to limit growth of the infection.
This doctor also didn't want to do the nose job anyway (he said it was cute, too - go figure?). I still wanted to do something about the jowls, so went home to think about it.
I now realize that sagging jowls and cheeks have a lot to do with your diet. I was craving fat and sweets at the time (Chocolate Ensure and Rocky Road Haagen-Dazs, specifically).
Once I got off of these, I realized that excess fats tend to accumulate in the face and neck (and elsewhere...). The saggy neck and jowls went away when I changed my diet.
Facial Exercises also helped. The face is like the rest of the body, and responds favorably to proper use and exercise.
Just as the form of the body changes with exercise, so does the face. This can happen rather quickly as facial muscles are attached directly to skin.
It takes a little time and patience, but Plastic Surgeons will also tell you to do Facial Exercise in order to keep up your appearance even AFTER surgery.
They realize that the surgical results are not guaranteed to last. Skin is elastic, and will still change with time no matter what surgery has been done.
You have to do them either way, so try the Face Exercises first. There are DVD's, Charts, Facial Workouts, and Exercise Appliances that are super helpful and easy-to-do.
Overall Fitness is important, too. You rarely ever see a Body-Builder or Fitness Trainer with a saggy neck. Their whole body is fit - including the face.
Exercise moves lymph, blood, burns excess calories, builds muscle, and improves outlook.
Once I realized that I probably wasn't going to go with the surgical route, I (finally) took the responsibility on myself to see what else could be done.
I had always felt like life couldn't really start until I looked how I always felt I should look. That was simply ridiculous. It's an insult to the Creator.
I had read a book by Tonya Zavasta in the past, and now I re-read it with new eyes. It is entitled, Your Right to Be Beautiful: The Miracle of Raw Foods.
The first time I had read it, I didn't get it. Now I understood - that if I ate better and took better care of myself that it would have a profound impact on appearance as well as health.
I don't currently advocate a totally Raw Diet. But, we do need to eat much more of our foods in their fresh, uncooked state for enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
Tonya Zavasta is also the author of Rawsome Flex, a diet and exercise program for the Face. There are diagrams and instructions for all of the easy to perform face exercises.
So, where am I at now? Well, still working on it. It's a journey, but a fun one. I won't be considering surgery again. Too risky, & too expensive (in so many ways).
I am exercising every day, and using the VitaMix for delicious 'Raw' Smoothies and Soups. I also purchased a Clarisonic Skin Brush, which does wonders for facial skin.
If you don't feel well, you may need to get back to the basics:
Eating Right, Exercise, Fresh Air, Pure Water, Non-Toxic Face Care & Body Care Products
* Click HERE for vital information on Skin Care.
**Click HERE for additional information on Face Care.
DISCLAIMER: Statements made on this site are for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.