This works especially well with those 'nagging' thoughts that repeatedly bother you.
In S.T.O.P. Therapy®, the STOP simply stands for:
'Stop.Thought.Of.Problem'. Very simple but effective.
While not an officially recognized form of 'psycho-therapy' (all the better!), it does have some similarity to the idea of 'thought stopping' used in psychology.
However, with Thought Stopping you purposely focus on a fear or other particular thought - even at a time when you aren't actually thinking about it.
You then choose a set amount of time to not think of the thing that you just decided to think of not thinking about... : )
With S.T.O.P. Therapy, though, the idea is to take captive a certain thought as it comes up.
You then 'suspend' that thought when it arrives - even briefly for only a second or two.
This is enough time to give you a chance to see what you would feel like without that constant 'irritant' and to see that things could be different.
It's a very simple idea for a 'behavioral therapy' that works very well.
It gives you a chance to know that you can break free from any obsessive thought.
This idea has a biblical basis, and may be why it works so well - God made us & knows how we tick!
2 Corinthians 10:5 has this to say:
"Casting down imaginations, ...and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
Have a very blessed day!