This post is not meant against any particular persons, and there are no names mentioned, but is only intended to uplift and inform other women (and men), and to shed a little light on some misleading 'health' information.
(I chose the picture in this post of the female counterpart in the article since it doesn't really look as she normally does in order to protect her identity. Her likeness has also been partially obscured with a photo filter.)
However, if you know who the people are that are mentioned in the following post, then you will be familiar with the situation. This couple puts out a lot of natural 'health' info, but I wonder just how 'genuine' it may be. (It is not the only issue by far, but more on that a little later.)
A Facebook page called Vegan Art Slayer made the following post: (I have changed the names here to just their initials.)
"After denying the obvious for 6 years, M.R. has finally come clean about C.B's breast implants. M., if you told the truth in the first place you wouldn't have to look like such a liar now. You're also making things worse for the both of you by trying to brainwash insecure women into believing that there's nothing wrong with implants in your cover-up explanation video. Stop contributing to the poisoning and degradation of women. Enough is enough!"
I'm very glad to see that others have noticed this situation as well. While I had enjoyed the health information in the past by both MR & CB, I've noticed quite a few concerning problems with other messages that they have put out there, including downgrading the risks of implants.
Regardless of what one thinks about breast Implants, they are not 'natural' and can even cause some very serious health problems for many women, including chronic infection, ongoing autoimmune disorders and many others, which is ironic from a supposed 'natural health guru'.
See: Killer Breasts
I believe that CB has, in addition to other things, also just recently (possibly) received a lip-plumping procedure as well as most likely a mini-facelift making her look even less identifiable. However, it is important to realize that all surgery carries some risk - even cosmetic.
For instance, lip augmentation can use several types of invasive procedures which include lip filler injections, implants, fat grafting and surgical lip lifts. Risks can include numbness, uneven lips, discoloration, filler bleeding into other areas of the face, stiff lips, bruising, infection and scarring.
There are many natural alternatives to surgical lip plumping such as exercise that helps boost Collagen naturally, natural plumping lip balms, & D.I.Y. Lip Plumping techniques.
There are also much safer and more natural alternatives to Face Lift as well: Facial Exercise, Facial Toning Tools, Face Toning Instruction.
FREE INFO - There is an overview on these conventional types of procedures HERE. (Includes a free in-depth excerpt on the main landing page full of helpful information.)
The persons in question have also been in a long term relationship, but have no intention to marry and have been not only very public about it, but also advocate and encourage this lifestyle by elaborating on its many 'benefits' in their videos and other publications.
The 'man' in this relationship has been in several other liaisons of this type, and seems to have somewhat of a 'Peter Pan Syndrome' in that not only does he not want to age, but also to not 'grow up' and offer any permanent commitment to another person.
This is not uncommon in our society, but is such a bad example to others in so many ways. He can seem to 'get by' with this as he has a lot of monetary resources to support his lifestyle, but that is no excuse and is such a bad idea for not only most people but really for anyone at all.
There are actually many health Benefits to Marriage, both physical and mental as well as emotional. For a better way to approach and manage wealth see HERE and HERE,
Also, while these two persons look very 'healthy', a good bit of that is no doubt due to chemically bleached 'blonde' hair that they both have, as well as dark tans - which always 'look' more healthy - but that are not their natural skin color otherwise.
Better and more natural alternatives exist for both Blonde Hair Lightening, as well as Natural Skin Bronzing.
As MR is also a professional cinematographer, I am also fairly certain that he is able to put a lot of cover-up 'glamour' filters on both their photos and videos as well. This seems a little misleading, especially as they also promote health books and nutrition products to help make you 'look' like they do.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look your best, and especially if you have a health related channel. But the issue is just to be honest about it and let your audience know that not everything about you is a result of a certain lifestyle or diet. It is good to see that both MR and CB have at least finally come out and let people know that CB has breast implants and that her body is not completely a result of ‘nature’.
However, it was many years until they did so and they still have not come out with information on other modifications that have been done on their appearance. One small example is that MR has said that their blonde hair is just a result of their genetics and being out in the sun. To CB's credit, however, she later let people know that, in her case at least, she uses an over the counter coloring to make her hair blonde.
She recommends several more 'natural' brands such as: Herbatint, Naturtint, and Logona.
In the case of her ‘partner’ MR, he has not yet done so. This is a relatively small thing, but it is dishonest nonetheless. In many of the earlier pictures of him from young adulthood, his hair is quite obviously dark brown. This particular hair color does not easily or ‘naturally’ turn blonde just from the sun, even if you live in a sunny climate.
Just would like to see them be more honest and forthright about their appearance and how it was achieved, especially when one is on a public forum and attempting to gain the trust of their audience.
The natural health field is unfortunately permeated with New Age philosophy. MR and CB are no exception. They not only promote an extra-marital immoral lifestyle, but also new age practices such as yoga, meditation, and have even been attendees at the extremely occult Burning Man festival.
These types of activities and practices only encourage others to do the same and give them a false sense that it must be ok if 'they' are doing it - they seem to be so healthy and happy after all...
I highly doubt that CB is terribly happy, or at least certainly would not be if MR was just an average person without the platform that he has (which gives her one too) and especially without all of the money, travel, and lifestyle he offers.
However, no woman in their right mind would put up with the expectations and lack of commitment if not for the money especially since she has supposedly been offered some monetary benefits in order, according to him, to give her 'some' security.
Again, no offense intended ...it's just the underlying reality of a situation that is 'whitewashed' for public consumption. Living like this 'couple' does would actually not be such a 'dream' as it is portrayed, but rather a nightmare for most people.
Fake tans, whether chemical or from baking in the sun, are not 'natural' or 'healthy'. Neither is bleach blonde hair, also from chemicals. In addition, any cosmetic or surgical procedure - lip plumping, face lifts, eye lifts, or breast implants etc. - are definitely not natural and can be very risky.
The bottom line is, always make sure to 'look behind the curtain' when paying the 'wizard' a visit and listening to his 'advice'...
The author of this article is not a health expert. Please always do your own research and consult with your personal physician on any health matters.