And this time because of an illness that doesn't even have a vaccine for it! Doesn't make any sense...
Being 'un-vaccinated' would have nothing to do with an unrelated Virus or Bacteria one way or the other.
Whether you get vaccines or not, you’re going to get sick sometimes.
You can’t vaccinate for everything – there isn’t even a vaccine for everything. There never could be because ‘germs’ mutate and change over time.
Example – by the time they get a new Flu Shot out, it’s usually no longer any good for the actual strain going around as it ‘changes’ over the course of the ‘flu season’.
Another Point to Consider - many have had Measles, Chicken Pox, and Mumps in the past. These are not actually major diseases.
The great majority of these people 'survived' just fine, and now they're also immune for life – no ‘boosters’ needed either!
Hopefully this info. will help serve as a 'booster' shot for your own confidence on avoiding unnecessary vaccines...
DISCLAIMER: All opinion statements made herein are for informational purposes only and are not intended to give advice, diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition.