It is presented to Claire by an old and well-traveled friend of James Fraser named Hugh Monro.
Claire later gives this fossilized amber-encased dragonfly wrapped in a cloth to Jamie just before the fateful and inevitable battle of Culloden.
The golden color of amber is said to represent love, compassion, courage, passion, and wisdom. Claire and Jamie certainly displayed these traits throughout their relationship and in their lives together.
Below are pictured several authentic genuine amber pendants and necklaces finished in either sterling silver or brass that serve as a lovely reminder of these special moments.
Click on the photo(s) above or below to see a larger image, and to see how you can get a 'Dragonfly in Amber' necklace of your very own.
To see a collection of several authentic Genuine Dragonfly specimens preserved in Museum-Grade artificial amber that closely replicate the one in Outlander, click HERE.
There are also several large sized 'amber' specimens and paperweights that depict a dragonfly encased within on another of our posts HERE.