(You can see 'Claire's Shift I' HERE.)
The character of Claire Randall Fraser from 'Outlander' wears a white shift dress in Season 1, Episode 1: Sassenach.
Pictured to the left is the dress as it appeared after passing through the standing stones and falling down the hill just outside of Craigh Na Dun.
Now in Scotland of the 1700's, Claire's shift dress won't seem as out-of-place as her 1940's style keyhole-button dress and brown 'skinny' belt might have. Her watch also seems to be missing after the fall - definitely even more out of place for the time!
The dresses below capture the look of Claire's more casual and timeless shift dress. As we later learn, this type of garment also makes a perfect first layer for a Scottish style dress ensemble.
Just click on one of the photos below for a larger image, or to see how to get one of these very comfy and flowing shift dresses for your very own. (And, as Claire demonstrates, you can even 'run' in them - especially with these SHOES on!)