In Season 2 of 'Outlander' Claire Fraser meets a very special character while in France, Master Raymond the Apothicaire. In Episode 2, Claire visits his Apothecary Shoppe in search of a sleep aid for her husband Jamie.
Maitre Raymond's Paris shop is full of many intriguing curiosities, among them the many glass jars and bottles of multiple shapes and sizes that pique the imagination (as also does the large crocodile that hangs from the ceiling).
Might they contain rare exotic potions? Perhaps there is the perfect 'cure-all' remedy ...or maybe even poison. One thing is certain, that they contained a wide range of helpful herbal remedies common to the 18th century.
Maitre Raymond Apothicaire, as it reads outside of his charming and mysterious shoppe, was a Master Herbalist: "MaƮtre Raymond Herboriste Rue de Varennes Paris France, Depuis 1743."
Below is a collection of vintage style decorative apothecary jars and bottles in authentic hand-blown glass with antique looking labels written in French.
Their antique look appearance and Victorian old world design will make them treasured dressing table accoutrements and a charming addition to your decor. Toiletries such as hair lotion and other such niceties are among them.
The bottles shown on the 1st row below feature labels that indicate such items as apothecary remedies and other bath and boudoir necessities.These bottles also feature beautiful round ball faceted glass stoppers.
The 2nd row has labels in both English and French. Featured there is a set of 3 jars with labels that read: 'Paris 1900 Set of man's accessories' with Fleur de Lis, tophat and boot spats motif.
These bottles from 'American Chateau' also feature cork stopper lids and brown antiqued finish. Others have labels for additional herbal and culinary curiosities - and even some 'miniatures' with no label at all.
Just click on a photo below to see a larger image, and to find out how to get a collection of apothecary jars and bottles for your home. You will also be able to enlarge and read all of the unique labels.
(Please visit our posts HERE and HERE to view some cute countertop size French Apothecary Chests or Wall Mount Cabinets for a nice place to keep your herbal remedies and other apothecary items.