The article below is based on a natural approach to eye care and is not meant to replace any advice from your personal physician.
Each person's situation is different, and it is necessary to consult a professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.
The whole idea behind a natural approach to Glaucoma is to fix the root cause, which in most cases is the increased pressure in the eye.
Dr. Lorraine Day cites especially DEHYDRATION as being a major cause. You actually need more water: The body will hold onto water in unusual places during dehydration (such as the eye) causing pressure to build up.
This is thought to be caused by problems with circulation in the body. A healthier lifestyle will eliminate other common causes of pressure like eye strain as well as eliminate many toxins and digestive problems.
The list below is a compilation of several studies done on the causation and suggested cure in the treatment of Glaucoma.
While there may be outside factors (i.e. injury, etc.) which can affect this condition, many of the factors for treatment and prevention are within our control. This is cause for A LOT of hope! Please read, and God bless you.
Glaucoma is a problem brought on by built up stress to the eyes.
- Dehydration (Alcohol, Coffee, etc.)
- Diabetes / Blood Sugar Imbalance
- Previous eye injury or surgery
- Bad diet; Eye Strain
- Wearing contact lenses
- Eye drops with Steroids
- Eye dilation drops - even at the eye doctor!
- Systemic anticholinergic medications / Atropine
- Enervation - Exhaustion, Weakness, Stress
- Toxemia - Too many toxins in the body (or blood)
- Too focused on up close tasks
- Liver issues; Digestive problems
- Constipation and Poor Elimination
- Anger / frustration
- Computer, TV, Flash Photography, Video Games, Reading
- Smoking / Exposure to second hand smoke
- Inadequate circulation around the eyes
- Poor general circulation in the body
- Plugged channels and poor drainage
- Mucus and other toxic fluid wastes trapped in the body due to poor elimination and which make their way to the eyes
- Glaucoma is a problem brought on by built up stress to the eyes
- Plenty of pure water - 8+ glasses/day
- Prayer; Rest & Relaxation
- Eye exercises
- Relax muscles around eyes
- Proper nutrition (fruits, veg., grains, etc.)
- Proper lighting; Reduce eye strain
- Taking vision and body breaks
- Change your focus often
- Avoid cigarette smoke
- Regular physical exercise
- Light aerobics; Stretching
- Brisk 30-minute walk daily
- Avoid sugars, fried foods, alcohol, trans-fats, and caffeine
- Body work - chiropractic, massage, etc.
- Deep and slow breathing
- Build immunity
- Vitamin C - 1,000 to 3,000/day
- Physical Activity helps cleansing, brings balance and relieves stress
- Mini Trampoline - jumping, rebounding
- Sweating is powerful way to cleanse your body from accumulated toxins
- Lower your insulin levels
- Detoxification - Eliminating harmful toxins from the diet, etc.
- Learning stress management techniques
- Controlling allergies, both environmental and food
- Supplementation if needed (vitamins and/or juicing)
- Immediate treatment: Food-grade glycerin applied directly to the eyes (dilute)
- Wear wrap-around sunglasses with 100% UVA and UVB protection whenever outside in direct sun
For Full Article and More Suggestions, click these links: Glaucoma & Eye Care.