Balancing the hormones is a whole-body process.
There is much more at play than just estrogen or testosterone - there are also adrenal hormones, insulin, thyroid hormones and even the pituitary hormones from the brain.
While some hormone conditions may require their own treatment, there are some simple and natural strategies that can help your body return to a more balanced state.
For these simple treatments, just remember the letters FEW - for these FEW tips: Fiber, Exercise, and Water.
Fiber can help in binding excess hormones in the body and prevent them from being reabsorbed.
Fiber also helps with the excretion of these and other toxic 'wastes' thereby balancing the whole body.
The extra circulation from exercise, as well as extra water, all work hand-in-hand in helping to cleanse the body.
Exercise raises your metabolism, increases circulation, and causes your body to get everything moving.
Exercise helps to normalize insulin, blood sugar, stress hormones, cortisol and, of course, 'sex' hormones.
Exercise is a very important tool for hormone balance and self-regulation.
WATER - Hydrate!
Even mild dehydration can cause stress hormones to increase since the body sees it as a life-threatening situation.
When stress hormones increase, it causes a cascade of changes to thyroid and sex hormones, as well as insulin.
Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day to maintain your hormone balance.
Blessings and Good Health!
DISCLAIMER: Statements made on this site are for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.