The Google Equinox doodle shows a rock garden that comes 'alive' with large eyes and animated facial expressions...
Many cultures around the world believe that certain rock features were inhabited by spirits, and many of these areas have a superstitious aura of folklore and eeriness surrounding them.
People often even go missing in or near Boulder Fields, or are found - usually deceased - in them. In one such story, a missing man was found several days after the search ended. His deceased body turned up in a boulder field, but his head had been bandaged...but by whom? or what?!
During an interview between David Paulides, of Missing 411, and George Knapp on 3/17/13, he brought up the fact that some natural features of the landscape seem play a role time and again in missing-persons cases - and one of the regions he especially mentioned were the boulder fields...
Many Native American tribes also have beliefs regarding spirits that inhabit the natural landscape. Not all of them were friendly and peaceful, and they actively avoided certain areas that they considered dangerous to travel in around the mountain.
Certain rock formations and boulders were believed to be places where spirits dwelled and, not only that, some places amidst boulder fields and rock formations were considered to be “windows” and “doorways” between this world and some other realm...
It does kind of make you wonder what Google knows about it...
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